Nap Lower Risk of Alzheimer's
Many people are experiencing drowsiness after lunch.
We feel sleepy because the blood supply to the brain decreases after lunch. So a short nap gives a rest to the brain.
Thirty minutes of relaxation is in the workplace improves efficiency and helps in health care.
A person who takes naps can improve his memory and lower the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease compared to those who do not take naps.
Because certain memory advancements are activated when sleeping, people who routinely take a nap are more psychologically stable and motivated.
So what is the best environment for a nap?
First, close the windows and turn off the lights and your phone. Do not drink more than one cup of coffee a day. Caffeine stimulates the nerves and makes it difficult to sleep.
But do not sleep too long, take a nap on a regular basis every day, 30 minutes a day. Set the alarm clock so that you don't fall asleep too deep.