Chinese characters 富(wealth) typography | 생활 건강정보 라운지

Chinese characters 富(wealth) typography

Chinese characters 富(wealth)

This design is Chinese characters 富(wealth) characterized by their production. Clover pattern using the four characters rich combination because clover is considered lucky.
A central circle will gather wealth
China's character 富 means wealth.

Everyone wants to be rich. China, Korea, and Japan love this letter (富) because they use Chinese characters.
People in China enjoy using golden letters on their red background because the color of the golden letter symbolizes wealth.
Chinese characters 富(wealth) typography in Red Bubble

Made in the sense that everyone wants to be rich.
This design product can be purchased in Red Bubble.
There are a wide variety of products such as t-shirts, tank top, leggings, mini skirts, and pillow, sticker, tote bag, and throw pillows
I hope everyone who reads this will be rich
I hope everyone is happy both physically and mentally.

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